The district of Alabama forbids favorite young clothing in strict school uniform standards.

By editor
August 12, 2024

After introducing what may be the closest dress code for young kids at any great school in the country, a school district appears to be taking on the role of style officers.

Anything from flip-flops and cuffs to sweatshirts and pants is prohibited at Bessemer City High School.

While some clothing is usually deemed unsuitable for the class, such as bandanas and glasses, some exclusions make more sense, such as a moratorium on comfortable pajama pants or jeans with holes in.

Representatives at schools point out that all of the goods listed, including open-toe shoes, hoodies, and leggings, have officially been against the rules for years, but only recently are school officials taking a walk and menacing students with disqualification if they break the rules.

An Alabama school district appears to be taking on the role of the fashion police after introducing what may be the strictest dress code for students at any high school in the country

'We are OK with them being individual. We just want to make sure it falls within the guidelines of our dress code,' Principal Stoney Pritchett, pictured said

In a letter sent to students and parents, the school stated that” Bessemer City Schools may strictly enforce the dress code and will not allow students to attend classes if kids are wearing inappropriate or controversial clothes.”

According to a statement from the table,” The faculty and administration may motivate students to be aware that clothing and personal look perhaps, in a very real way, affect the perception and attitude others may have of the student as an individual.”

‘ Therefore, each student should consider reasonable judgment, tact, and decency in the selection of clothes for school and for personal appearance.’

According to educators, students will be less prone to distractions by adhering to a stricter school dress code, which will ultimately help with learning.

Yet there are no plans to introduce a school uniform, for example, which would solve most of the problems instantly.

‘ We are OK with them being individual. Principal Stoney Pritchett and counselor Tahuna Thomas said,” We just want to make sure it adheres to the guidelines of our dress code.”

Bessemer High School is introducing new clothing guidelines for students with no hoodies allowed. Students are see in the canteen earlier this year

Bessemer High School is banning some of the most-worn items by teens

Students at the school are seen earlier this year. Baseball caps and hoodies will not be allowed from August

‘ This policy is a dress code to help foster a sense of community and reduce distractions, allowing students to focus on their studies,’ the school wrote on Facebook.

Principal Pritchett added that students would be safer by upholding the dress code.

‘ Oftentimes at the high school, we have drills. We have tornado drills, fire drills and weather drills,’ Pritchett said to

We must “line up and leave and things like that.” We want to ensure that children are safe while walking throughout the building.

‘ Other things happen as well that the school ca n’t prevent. Because the school is responsible, we just want to make sure nobody breaks their leg or ankle, and we also want to make sure everyone is safe.

Bessemer City School District is cracking down on the dress code for students when the school year starts in August

The school released detailed instruction on how students should interpret the new dress code

Students at Bessemer City High School are prohibited from wearing the following when the school year begins on August 8:

  • Sunglasses in the building, except with a doctor’s prescription
  • See-through, skintight, spandex, jeggings, yoga pants, and /or revealing clothing
  • Open or chain belts, unbuckled belts, electronic belts for buckles, or cap’ fish hooks ‘
  • Unfastened overalls
  • Pants / Slacks that sag
  • Hats, caps, headgear, and any other head covering in the buildings on campus except for religious head coverings
  • Curlers, picks, combs, or chopsticks
  • Bandannas or sashes are worn anywhere as part of attire.
  • Clothing that has holes above the knee
  • House shoes / slippers unless approved by a doctor or school administration
  • Clothing depicting unacceptable and /or inappropriate decals, slogans, or pictures, profanity, language containing or referring to suggestive or immoral behavior, gang activity, alcohol, drugs, or tobacco
  • Any clothing and /or headgear which directly or by innuendo disrespects ( or is perceived to disrespect ) a student’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, or disability and /or creates, Board of Education ( including negative feelings, disharmony, racial or religious discord, intimidation, embarrassment and/or fear )
  • No children should be brought to school or brought in with them, nor are pajamas blankets, stuffed animals, or truncheons or Matrix coats permitted.
  • Slides / Open toe shoes
  • Hoodies ( all day, every day )
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