Suhana Khan attended an event just in Mumbai. The Archies professional posed with friends in a photo that was taken during the event that made it to social media. She can be seen sporting a magnificent bodycon super dress. The adorable summer costume is available on the clothing line Reformation. The Fallon Dress is a light-weight lace dress that is the ideal warm-weather option for the rising temperature. However, adding Suhana’s clothing to your wardrobe will cost you ₹31, 500.
The’s maxi dress’ has a nice light color with a sophisticated floral design in fuchsia, mild pink, and peach hues. It has tie-diy aspect, a sloping sweetheart bodice with bust cups, a figure-hugging silhouette that emphasizes Suhana’s curves, a hem with a tie-district design, and a floor-length hem.
Suhana accessorised the beautiful summer- available dress with little accessories, including higher heels, a delicate neck chain, statement earrings, and a red- patterned leather mini shoulder bag from the luxury fashion house Chanel. The professional chose feathered forehead, a deep green lip shade, purple on the cheeks, and beaming highlighter for the glitter picks. Finally, center- parted free locks styled in smooth flowing ends rounded off Suhana’s look for the outing.