Summer House Recap: State Yeesh to the Dress

By editor
April 12, 2024

Paige says she doesn’t believe everyone in the house has gotten along as well as they could have this summer when the group is out for drinks. Although some outside observers would mistakenly believe that Bravo is the site of the drama and fight, I believe that is also true. As some fans, however, are equally content with this season despite the absence of a fight throughout the entire episode. Sorry, letting me walk that up, there was no non- Kyle- and- Amanda struggle during this whole event.

The issue with Kymanda battle is that it currently seems a little like background noises. It’s similar to being on a beach, where you initially do n’t notice the surf pounding into the sand, but after about 30 minutes, it just keeps on moving, knowing that the moon’s gravity will continue to force the water to hold onto, and that this cycle will continue for a long time. Our ashes have been dispersed in the SUR Alley, a pending UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The episode begins at the beginning of the show, which builds up from last week when the group inquires about Kyle and Amanda’s unavoidable move to New Jersey. Kyle starts making plans to relocate to the suburbs and perhaps start a family with Amanda. I know I often say that my passion for my absurd father, Kyle McGill Cooke, knows no bounds, but, honey, I think I’m starting to see a bound or two. I do n’t think it’s wrong for Kyle to consider having children or moving to the suburbs when that happens, something he and Amanda always intended to do. But, if he’s having second thoughts, that is something he may be bringing up to Amanda personally off- camera. It is some nonsense for him to strike her with this at a dinner party with her companions and the devices rolling round. Furthermore, why not give Amanda some alternatives? What about Brooklyn? What about Westchester? What about New Hampshire? Moving out of the city doesn’t need to be Rabbit, Run.

After supper, when Paige, Ciara, and Amanda are sitting in bed along, Paige asks her,” When you get apartment, are you ever like,’ You said that on nationwide television, what’s your issue?'” Specifically! There is a day and a location, Kyle, when you’re at dinner, just take out some phrases and then have the true discussion afterwards. Always speak up in front of anyone on a spiritual principle you’ve never held. That’s kind of like, I don’t know, putting on a women’s swimsuit for a lifeguard- themed volleyball game and then dragging the whitest possible ass out in a sea full of strangers. Actually, I do n’t know how those two things are alike, but I needed a transition, so here we are.

Indeed, the staff played a pleasant match of volleyball on the shore together. In a single summers, two visits to the shore? Did they increase the production finances or something else? Has anyone ultimately helped Ciara overcome her terrible fear of seaweed? The game was capped by Jesse Solomon, the quarter-champion of high school volleyball, who usually goes by both names! and Carl, is completely wonderful, especially seeing Carl dressed up as a’ 90s search mate, complete with a fluorescent OP T- shirt. Yet, they only play to enjoy six items. They drag the tennis, online, and all the other products out to the beach, set it up in the blazing sunshine, and then enjoy for a social 15 days. Oh,. If I’m doing all that work, I’m going to have at least three sets. I may be asking strangers from different umbrella groups and saying,” Believe you can take these two former collegiate sports and a group of celebrities”? Let’s rumble”!

At the beach, Kyle and Amanda have another chat. Amanda claims that she’s angry at Kyle because he left a few nights earlier at 4 a.m., and that he brought up some nonsense to get himself out of it. Kelly claims that he wishes they had improved communication, which is exactly what Amanda is referring to. She says he doesn’t like when she has a stance on something, and he says that her stance is bullshit.

Okay, we have been having this same fight since the”” days. We’ve been essentially spinning the same hamster wheel of a fight since season one because these two aren’t allowing each other to express their personalities. Kyle doesn’t understand that Amanda doesn’t want to work as hard as he does, likes to stay home, is a bit of an introvert, and is a founding member of the Bed Sore Sisters, Sag Harbor Chapter. Amanda is unsure of Kyle’s need to occasionally party and stay until 4 a.m.

They both just need to get over it, quite honestly, and by that, I mean compromise. Kyle needs to be given a bender once per month, so Amanda won’t have to worry about it for days afterward. In exchange for Kyle’s assistance, Amanda needs to purchase a Jersey home where she can spend hours watching Love Island marathons while grooming her incredibly cute dogs while wearing sweatpants.

They believe the other is purposefully doing these things to hurt them, which is a part of the issue. Amanda is aware that Kyle is acting in this way because she is aware that it will upset her. For Kyle, staying out until 4 a. m. with strangers is like breathing. It’s not that he’s doing it to annoy Amanda, it’s that he can’t stop doing it, and he will never stop. He needs it for his ego to survive. Amanda just needs to learn to control herself. The same goes for Kyle. She needs his assistance to accept her slower speed. The biggest issue is that Amanda is unable to see how chilling like Kyle is while Kyle is able to see how partying like Kyle is. Just give each other more room to be yourselves. ( Practically speaking, this is my counsel to all couples in the universe. )

Amanda’s other issue is Kyle’s lack of interest in him because she makes these sarcastic comments to him. While they’re out, he tells Paige that he looked into Amanda’s phone and didn’t see one photo of himself on her camera roll. ( I bet it was 300 photos of the dogs, 12 screenshots of manicures she liked on Instagram, and 45 pictures of her and Paige in bed. ) He weeps a little at this and needs Paige to remind him that Amanda loves him, and that Amanda would put him in her Top Eight if they were still on MySpace. You just know that Amanda has an incredibly angsty LiveJournal out there somewhere, which is ( speaking of which ).

But that’s the thing about these two. I firmly believe that they really love each other and will make it work, despite the fact that their fighting is the White Noise of Summer House. Amanda needs to relax a little bit with Kyle, but Kyle also needs to give up this communication defect to prevent them from having children or moving to the suburbs. He’s never going to be comfortable doing it, just like he fretted for years about doing it with her, so someone just needs to force his hand. But, seriously, Amanda, did you see Kyle sitting alone in his room, farting aloud, and then saying,” Who said that”? Do you want this Mulleted American to be the source of half of your precious baby’s DNA? Before you call the relationship coach again, you might want to think about it.

Carl and Lindsay ( a. k. a. Larl ) weren’t fighting this episode, but Lindsay did say that her sex life is currently at a 2.5. She claims that no one came over for sex during the day that she and Carl had with them. She also claims that more sex should be performed to prevent him from feeling like he needs to leave each time they make the beast with two backs. Now, I don’t know that Carl is on antidepressants, but based on my own experiences with them, low libido and not being able to climax sound like the old Lexapro one- two- punch. However, that doesn’t mean they have to lead a terrible sex life. He could make Lindsay happy and transform her life. They could have spoken, but Carl might not make it to the finish line. They could just smack some sexy skittles in one another and chatter away. There are a million possibilities, but it sounds like neither of them wants to explore those because, ah doy, they don’t really want to be together.

I was deeply moved by Lindsay’s stunning appearance in her Berta dress. Did you know that Berta is her dress? The store’s sign was visible, did you? Berta. It’s a Berta. Who made that dress? Berta! Okay, Lindsay has already seen it in enough cases to get her dress for nothing. Since she never had the opportunity to wear it down the aisle, that makes me feel a little better.

Although West and Ciara have progressed little, he is talking about how much he values her over his great aunt, and she is, well, signing a modeling contract with her manager’s 1BR in Hells Kitchen. Okay. Sure. Whatever, guys. I love you both. Keep doing you.

The one we really need to celebrate, however, is Jesse Solomon, who is bringing back the old Summer House sluttiness that we’ve missed so much. He comes home at 4 a. m. with a nice young lady named Camille, who loves fake eyelashes, thongs, and reality television programs. Everyone wants to know what’s happening when they arrive, and a house-wide text exchange ensues. He takes her out to the hot tub, and they have a bit of a canoodle. When Kyle invites Amanda over to the house so they can use the absolutely disgusting indoor hot tub that the previous owners had, I return to season one.

After the hot tub, Jesse takes his new friend upstairs, puts a towel over the camera, and gets to work. ” You’re so good at that”, he tells his new friend, who replies,” I know”. Because an Uber is waiting for her before the post-nut clarity even settles on Jesse, we don’t see the humping or the morning wake-up. However, this summer, we all have that clarity. It’s the clarity of how everyone is interacting, the clarity of new friendships and old romantic relationships, and how it’s mostly working but occasionally disintegrating. Every summer, we make a movie, the dinners and drinks, the volleyball matches on the beach, the cute little Camilles who demonstrate how good a handwork can feel. Thank God for the summer, because all we’ll have when our lives are over are the DVDs of these memories, and I hope every single one of us leaves with at least one stinking hot tub scene preserved for all eternity.

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