Neo-Nazis “planned to distribute poisoned chocolate to Israeli children”

By editor
August 9, 2024

The head of a neo-Nazi organization in Eastern Europe has been accused of carrying out a story to give poisoned chocolate to Israeli children.

Michail Chkhikvishvili, a 21 year aged from the Republic of Georgia, was arrested subject to an Wanted Person Diffusion in Moldova on July 6.

Following an FBI-New York Joint Terrorism Task Force investigation, a national graduate judge in Brooklyn indicted him on four counts, including soliciting hate acts and deeds of mass murder.

‘As alleged, the accused sought to attract people to commit aggressive attacks and deaths in pursuit of his Neo-Nazi ideas,’ said US Attorney Breon Peace.

‘His purpose was to distribute anger, fear and destruction by encouraging bombings, arson and yet poisoned children, for the purpose of harming cultural minorities, the Israeli community and individuals.’

An eastern European neo-Nazi leader has been charged in a plot to have a follower dress up as Santa Claus to hand out poisoned candies to Jewish children

According to the prosecution, Chkhikvishvili, who went by the names Michael, Mishka, Commander Butcher, and Butcher, is the leader of the Maniacs Murder Cult, an global radical organization with bases in Russia and Ukraine.

The organization supports violence and violent deeds against racial minorities, the Jewish community, and different groups it deems “undesirables,” and adheres to a “neo-Nazi accelerationist worldview.”

Its purpose is to sabotage social order and institutions through violent acts that foster fear and chaos.

The organization has spread to the United States, and Chkhikvishvili was detained after accidentally working with him to hire an covert FBI agent.

In September 2024, the undercover agent inquired about the religion leader’s eligibility to join the organization.

Chkhikvishvili next allegedly replied, ‘Well yes, we ask individuals for harsh beating, arson/explosion or death vids on cameras.’

He then continued to say that “poisoning and fire are the best options for death” and that he thought it would be important to think about a larger “mass death” in the United States.

Chkhikvishvili even suggested the incognito cop choose ‘low-race goals.’

Michail Chkhikvishvili unwittingly sent an undercover agent tips to carry out the scheme

By November, Chkhikvishvili reportedly started planning a “mass victim occasion for New York City on New Years Eve.”

According to the prosecution, the program involved a person dressed as Santa Claus and giving out poison-laced candy to students from Jewish schools in Brooklyn.

In a November 2 memo, he wrote that the undercover agent may apply supply services or pay with cash to purchase the poisons and caramel candies. He then created step-by-step instructions for how to bring out the system.

‘After giving around poisoned candies to several racial minorities and traitors, just get to]a ] car, paid to go somewhere where you will have other clothes… and eliminate Santa clothes and gear,’ Chkhikvishvili reportedly wrote in the message.

The neo-Nazi, according to the prosecution, also provided the incognito officer with guides on creating and mixing chemicals and gases along with the information.

He even allegedly told the undercover agent to precisely target the Jewish neighborhood, noting, ‘Jews are actually everywhere’ in Brooklyn.

He advised that the undercover agent have some clothes stashed away, and that he burn the Santa suit after doling out the poisoned candies

According to Chkhikvishvili, who referred to Anders Behring Breivik, a Norwegian neo-Nazi who killed 77 people in a bombing and mass shooting in 2011, had high hopes for the plan.

‘Once you do poison attack, I’ll do message against US government,’ he allegedly wrote to the undercover agent in November as he repeatedly asked for status updates.

MMC will grow bigger than al Qaeda once it leaves.

Prosecutors claimed that he changed the plan to concentrate on poisoning kids on “some Jewish holiday” after New Year’s Eve passed without any hate attacks.

Prosecutors say Chkhikvishvili leads the Maniacs Murder Cult, an international extremist group based in Russia and Ukraine

Prosecutors also allege that Chkhikvishvili has been allegedly behind the murder of white people in a manifesto he wrote in which he claims he has “murdered for the white race” and is willing to cause more chaos in this rotten world since September 2021.

‘Our main goal is to spread flames of Lucifer and continue his message of ethnic cleansing, great drive or purification,’ the handbook said, according to the criminal complaint.

According to prosecutors, it would continue to encourage readers to use children to carry out mass murders and suicide bombings against racial minorities.

‘The document describes methods and strategies for committing mass ‘terror attacks,’ including, for example, using vehicles to target “large outdoor festivals, conventions, celebrations and parades” and “pedestrian-congested streets,’ they claim.

It specifically encourages attacks on American soil.

Chkhikvishvili allegedly told people that he had hate crimes committed in Brooklyn in 2022 while living with his grandmother, and that he had allegedly told the leader of the Feurkrieg Division, another neo-Nazi group, that he had tortured and attempted to kill an elderly Jewish man.

Later, it was discovered that Chkhikvishvili had worked for an Orthodox Jewish family to care for a now-deceased man and had worked for a Brooklyn-based rehabilitation facility.

He allegedly shared photos from the elderly man’s hospital bed with the other neo-Nazi leader, claiming that “I got paid to torture the dying Jew.”

The feds, however, are not blaming Chkhikvishvili for the man’s death, citing conversations with the deceased’s family members who claimed he had been ill for some time.

Chkhikvishviliv is currently facing a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for distributing information relating to the use of explosive devices, transmitting threatening messages, and soliciting felonies.

Is it unknown whether he has retained a lawyer to represent him.

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