Popular Mom Ignores Son’s Ask To Dress ‘Frumpy’ Because His Associates Find Her Attractive

By editor
April 11, 2024

One popular daughter asked a son’s friends for advice, and she was faced with the same problem. No guidance on how to dress over or not. That’s no happening.

She’s looking for advice on how to explain to her child that mother is heated and that he’ll just have to learn how to handle it. She began her sincere talk by saying, “I’m in a bit of a bind and could really use some advice.”

“My teenage ( 12, going on 13 ) son has been urging me to stop wearing makeup and dress in a more” frumpy “way because he finds it embarrassing that his friends think I’m attractive”, she continued. “I want to respect his feelings, but at the same time, I don’t want to compromise my own sense of self”.

Mom, as difficult as it is to consider, then jumped into some information about herself. She claims to wear a conservative outfit and avoids “anything also flashy or revealing.” Although, she admits that she likes to strengthen her features with beauty.

Everything wrong with that. Who doesn’t enjoy putting themselves together before leaving the house? She tried to talk to her brother about it by “recognizing that his feelings are true, but likewise expressing that this is who I am and how I choose to manifest myself.”

This attractive mother isn’t going to change anything just because her son’s friends think she’s attractive.

Thus far, the conversations between mother and child haven’t resolved everything. He also wants his mother to transform how she presents herself and help him get out of this situation. That’s not going to occur on this sister’s watch.

She is passionate about what she can tell everyone involved. As part of her lesson, she said, “I’ve told him that it’s not my fault if his friends make inappropriate remarks and that he shouldn’t feel ashamed because of their actions. However, he finds it difficult to dismiss their assertions and feels pressured to live up to their standards.”

Obviously, mother has no thought what it’s like to get a young boy. She’s looking for advice on how to “help my son understand that he shouldn’t be embarrassed by how other people perceive me,” and she’s on message boards.

Hot mom clarified in the comments section that the advice isn’t about how she could alter her appearance to prevent her son’s friends from taking notice. That’s out of the question.

“I certainly will not be changing my look”, she said. I need tips on how to speak to him about handling it.

I get it, being hot and a mom isn’t easy. There’s been story after story about how popular persons. However, the child will find it much harder.

These aren’t people she’s trying to class up, these are the worst type of kids- youth. I’m not advocating that a mother should become a complete woman with a home full of cats or anything similar, but rather that she really dial it back and relearn to be the hot mom.

Give everyone a small adjustment time. Is that a lot to question, then? Although I don’t believe so, it seems unlikely that this mother will be dialing any of her hotness back anytime soon.

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