Harrison Butker, a Kansas City Chiefs kicking, says, “All fits up,” ahead of the Super Bowl.

By editor
February 9, 2024

Harrison Butker, the Kansas City Chiefs kicker for Sunday’s Super Bowl, is sure to look strong when he enters the facility this weekend in Las Vegas.

One of the four co-founders of Shepherd’s, a fresh fashion company, is Butker. He expressed his interest in fashion, and in particular its effect on elevating world, for “quite a while,” according to an email exchange with Fox News Digital.

“I’ve enjoyed dressing more fully for games over the past several months, and I suppose I have developed a bit of an status for it,” he said.


People who scrolls through Butker’s Instagram accounts will notice that his postings started to change from primarily game-day and exercise activity shots to, well, a little bit of an fashion show at the beginning of the 2020–2021 NFL season.

He wrote in the caption of a picture taken before the Kansas City Chiefs game against the Houston Texans, “Pregame photos are going to look tad different this year.” Butker is seen in the picture wearing a match.

man measuring suit
Each buyer is measured for his clothing either in person or nearly at Shepherd’s showroom in Kansas City. These, Harrison Butker, an NFL kick, is measured by Nathan Price. ( Shepherds )

Since then, there have been more pre-game fit photos, in which Butker appears in a variety of fit slashes, colors, and patterns.

Butker remarked, “I’ve often been drawn to dressing nicely, but not necessarily in “fashion.”

After the team’s routine is made public, he starts a season-long process with his clothing.

He explained to Fox News Digital, “We plan everything out together and look through numerous fabric options to choose ones that fit the weather, the location, and the time of year. Once we have chosen the fabric, we’ll choose everything else about the suit—things that don’t stand out to the untrained eye but make a difference when combined.”

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Butker used the dark green double-breasted coat he wore against the Buffalo Bills in the most recent playoff game as an illustration of how little details can go unnoticed.

He wrote via email, “We chose a dark green Prince of Wales flannel, which is very English in cloth, and gave it more British appearance with strong arms and double-breasted top lapels. We also nodded to the land with hands that were actually designed for hunting jacket.”

He acknowledged that most people wouldn’t notice these touches, but he appreciates how it “all fits together.”

harrison butker in very nice green suit
Shepherd’s, a garments line, was just introduced by Kansas City Chiefs Harrison Butker. He explained to Fox News that the company aims to “elevate” menswear by creating custom, made-to-measure clothes. (Shepherd’s)

He remarked that it had been enjoyable and had given us the chance to demonstrate Shepherd’s ‘ excellent work.

Chris Cottrell, Nathan Price, and Austin Wright, Shepherd’s another co-founders, claimed that the business was a means for them to uphold mens’ tone and demonstrate their Catholic faith.

The members of the business are devout Catholic, but they reject the brand that Shepherd’s is a “Christian organization.” They claimed that its items are intended for all people who want to improve both themselves and their surroundings.


The Kansas City store of the business is located there. The clothes are made in Portugal, and each one is measured for the buyer.

The four co-founders, according to Price, have very different skill set, which he thinks helps the business grid also.

In an email, Price stated that “I’ve spent a lot of my profession in fashion, from working for one of the most well-known companies in the world to being in business retail in high school.”

man measuring suit
Every item made by Shepherd’s is custom-made, and it typically takes a month from the appropriate time to delivery. ( Shepherd’s )

Butker is accustomed to being able to walk around in a garment because of his professional basketball career, according to Price.

Every time Butker puts on a new outfit, he immediately begins to move around in it, which forces us to make sure everything we create is suitable for living and moving in.

Shepherd’s attire is also “on such a huge stage,” according to Price, thanks to Butker and his athletic prowess.

That is an respect for us, too.

Price noted that Cottrell and Wright are both former members of the military, which “brings a lot of attention to detail and an attention for value” and “a dozen Army vs. Navy quips.”

But at Shepherd’s, trust comes first.

Harrison Butker kicking
Butker, a devout Catholic who has played for the Kansas City Chiefs since 2017, claims that his belief is “central to whatever I do and everything that I am.” ( Perry Knotts/Getty Pictures )

According to Butker, “Catholicism is fundamental to whatever I do and am,” Fox News Digital reported. “I adore being able to incorporate Catholic values into all of my endeavors.”

Price expressed a similar sentiment, saying, “My Christian faith has influenced the way I conduct every aspect of our business.”

Dressing nicely, according to Price, “reflects our belief in the dignity of human existence and shows respect for ourselves and for some.”

The businesses that Shepherd’s functions to obtain its supplies share this devotion to human dignity.

According to Texas priest, St. Paul revealed the joy of living thoroughly for God, which everyone can understand.

We have prioritized working with companies who treat their employees well since the time we founded Shepherd’s, he said.

I am happy that all of our clothing and materials are produced in mills and sewing shops that have been around for centuries, Price continued. The employees that are fairly compensated, able to purchase homes, trucks, and take vacations.

Furthermore, according to Price, creating something—even something as simple as a match jacket—entails taking part in God’s creation.

Harrison Butker vs the Bengals
On Sunday, February 11, Butker and the Kansas City Chiefs may face off against the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl. ( Getty Images/Michael Owens )

“We’re taking the extraordinary gift of God’s creation and using it to create lovely fabrics and high-quality clothing,” he declared.

According to Cottrell, Shepherd’s aims to “elevate what men typically wear while remaining friendly and authentic.”

He said, “For us, that means wearing clothing that fits very well and is true to who a person is and what he does in living.”

“We’ve done our work if we create a bit for he that fits so well and is one notch above what the man typically wears. He really wants to use it.”

Wright claimed that men’s clothing offers a chance to enhance culture.

We want more people to have that experience and develop that habit, he said.” When you put on a coat or sports coat, you know you have put treatment into how you’re presenting yourself in the world.

Shepherd’s is the antithesis of “fast style” as a made-to-measure company. After being fitted, clothing take about a quarter to occur.

Harrison Butker in brown houndstooth suit
Butker declared Price’s fit to be his favourite of the time to Fox News Digital. ( Shepherds )

Cost remarked,” I believe many men mistake made-to-measure clothes for a luxury when, in reality, it is how clothing has been made for the majority of history.

At Shepherd’s, he stated, “we want to create clothing that a man can put on and neglect, use and be happy to wear, and perhaps even feel like standing up slightly taller when wearing something from us.”

Cottrell agreed, telling Fox News Digital that the company aims to “be friendly and make stylish garments that are easy to wear, no clothing that feels like a costume.”

However, Butker told Fox News Digital that “all of the suit and sporting coats from this period have been exceptional.” He did not specify which of his fits he intends to wear on Sunday in Vegas before the big game.

His two friends, nevertheless, were a colored houndstooth coat made by Price as well as an “brown-on-brow striped fit last week from Baltimore that definitely stood out somewhat,” he said.

The next day we played in Las Vegas, he said, “I wore that fit.”

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